Firm Profile
We offer strategic planning and marketing services to small- to mid-size organizations with large- to huge-size aspirations.

What We Do

Parachute Strategies provides marketing and strategic planning services to businesses, institutions, and organizations whose work has a positive impact on the people and communities they serve. We are based in Portland, Oregon, and serve clients across the country.

Our client list includes:

  • Professional service providers
  • Government agencies
  • Healthcare providers
  • Architecture, engineering, construction and other real estate sector firms
  • Local nonprofits and community development organizations

Parachute Strategies is COBID certified with the State of Oregon as a woman-owned and emerging small business (WBE / ESB #9083).

Our Approach: Blending Marketing and Strategic Planning

To us, marketing and organizational planning are deeply interrelated. On one hand, the most beautiful, brilliant marketing campaign will only get so far if it promises something that won’t or can’t be delivered. On the other hand, even amazing products and perfectly executed services run the risk of languishing in the dark forever without top-notch marketing campaigns. So, because we earnestly want our clients to succeed, we practice both marketing and strategic planning and are proud to offer our clients a few combinations of the two.

2:1 Marketing to Strategic Planning
If you already have a marketing plan in place, and you are primarily looking for marketing communications help — brand design, copy writing, social media and website content management, etc. — we are more than happy to lend our expertise. We will ask lots of questions about your goals and how your business works so that a.) we can tell your story in a way that is compelling and authentic, and b.) we can make sure your communications materials line up with your long-term plans.

1:1 Marketing to Strategic Planning
This service mix is still marketing focused, with an emphasis on establishing a marketing plan. Ideally, we’ll also have the opportunity to engage in a miniature strategic planning process. This really allows us to get under the hood of your organization so we can help you figure out what your next business move is and how marketing can support it.

1:2 Marketing to Strategic Planning
The spotlight is really on facilitating a strategic plan, here. We work with your leadership team, staff, and stakeholders to define your next big leap as a company. Together, we’ll break that your vision down into a series of more manageable stepping-stones between today’s reality and your dreamed-of future. We can also support your team as they do the work of implementing your strategic plan, step by step. If you would like to publicize your strategic plan, we are happy to provide copy writing and print or web design services as needed.

Our Core Values

Dauntlessness. As our company name implies, there is a touch of the fearless in our approach to new challenges. We are not afraid of never-seen-before ideas or technically complex deliverables.

Pride in work well done. We find great satisfaction in meeting our clients’ needs with innovation, expertise, and professional integrity.

Relationships above all else. Strong client relationships are our number-one marketing asset. Our care for our fellow Parachutists leads to trust and happiness.